Shadi, you said this the other day. And while I don't necessarily disagree with you, I'm nto sure that I agree either. I mean... I love Lizzy's character. I think she's one of Jane's most timeless characters, one of the most well known and the most loved.
But... Wouldn't it make you just a little bit sad to find that Jane's most well known, most well loved character... was in fact just a shallow echo of the author? I am inclined to believe that Elizabeth's life was somewhat molded around that of her creator, and even that Mr Darcy may indeed be Harris Biggwither. That the way things went with Mr Darcy for Lizzy, are the way Jane had indeed hoped her life my pan out.
I do think that Jane has written some similarities into Elizabeth. I do think that Elizabeth is made to echo her creator's satirical outlook on society and her ability to make fun of that very society in which she lived.
I do believe that Jane has put a lot of herself into the character of Elizabeth. However, I would like to think that Elizabeth was also a unique creation, that a lot of that much loved character was created by Jane, not just mimicked from her own behaviours.

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